Our New Active Committee 2022/23

Active School Slogan 2022/2023

Whole School Plan for P.E
Active Lines

Every Tuesday & Thursday the whole school partake in active lines while we are waiting to get collected by our teachers.
We love our dance on the yard, it keeps us active & busy
We are collecting Aldi stickers to get rugby equipment for our school.

Rugby with Noel Devlin

Classes from 2nd - 6th class to a block of tag-rugby lessons in partnership with Leinster Rugby
Strand: Games

As part of the games strand 5th & 6th class learn how to play a new game, 'Spikeball' . Spikeball is a version of volleyball with the rules adapted slightly to make it more inclusive for all abilities. This year secondary school pupils from a local school came and worked with our 6th class, teaching them the rules and coaching them through their newly acquired skills. To finish up their programme the pupils partook in a Spikeball blitz, run by Volleyball Ireland in The Watershed Kilkenny. Everyone participated and great fun was had by all.
Strand: Dance
Throughout our school year every class in the school partake in a block of Irish Dancing classes as part of their P.E programme. Evelyn White teaches the classes a varied amount of dances depending on their age. All pupils really look forward to their dance class. At the end of their 8-10 weeks of lessons their parents sometimes come in to see the skills they have acquired.
Strand: Aquatics
Every year during term 1 third and fourth class travel in to The Watershed for their school's swimming programme.
In May/June the annual school's swimming gala also takes place in The Watershed. Children from 3rd class up compete in each of the different swim strokes and also in relay races within their age group.
In class the teachers complete the PAWS programme with their pupils. A number of teachers have done courses in this and every teacher has a resource pack which they use to complete it efficiently.