
Scoil Mhuire National School is a mixed, primary school located in the picturesque village of Gowran, on the Kilkenny side of the village, opposite the church.
The original school in Gowran (now the Parish Hall) was built in 1900, on a site of an old farm house. The farm was owned by a family called 'Crooks' or 'Croaks'. It was a large house with an impressive entrance (arched) through to the yard. It replaced a former school which was situated on the opposite side of the road, now the cemetery. When the school was built in 1900, a grass paddock was provided for donkeys and carts. The animals carted the children to and from school, as this was their only transport. The paddock was on the right side of the road, now owned by the Loughlin family.
The present school was built in 1958 and there were four teachers:
- Mrs. Kehoe and Mrs. Mackey taught the girls
- Mrs. Ryan and Mr. Moynihan taught the boys.
In 1967, Gowran and Dungarvan were amalgamated. An extension was built to the school in 1979. A new classroom and two resource rooms were built in 2011.
The school now has 10 mainstream classes, 2 Special Education rooms, a full library, an ASD multi class, 4 playgrounds, 2 pitches, a woodland area and a sensory playground.